An application for citizenship is typically filed by an immigrant who has been a permanent resident in the US for five years. The application for citizenship consists of USCIS form N-400 and any required documentation or evidence. The application for citizenship and filing fee is mailed to a designated mailbox and processed by immigration officials. The citizenship application is then forwarded to the local USCIS office that handles applications for the applicant’s region of residence so that a fingerprint session and citizenship interview can be scheduled. A naturalization attorney can assist in filing an application for citizenship. See our N-400 citizenship application section for more information.
Is it dangerous to wait to apply for citizenship?
It always amazes me when I hear stories about US lawful permanent resident green card holders who were eligible to become US citizens, but never did. The stories usually arise when the green card holder is being deported for something that happened after they could have submitted the application for citizenship and naturalized. Had they [...]