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CDC loosens vaccine rules for green card and visa applicants

By |November 16th, 2009|Green Card|

The CDC has announced that female applicants for US green cards and immigrant visas will no longer be required to get the HPV vaccine, beginning December 14, 2009. The human papillomavirus vaccine will not longer be on the immunization list for legal permanent resident applicants. The HPV vaccine was added to the list of required [...]

The dangers of failing to apply for a green card

By |November 14th, 2009|Green Card|

Foreign nationals who wait patiently, sometimes for several years, for a US green card to become available to them would probably not believe that some aliens do not complete the green card application process when one is readily available. But it does happen. These eligible aliens often are already in the US and put off [...]

I-601 Extreme Hardship Case Study 1

By |October 8th, 2009|I-601 Waiver Case Studies|

A female native and citizen of China appealed USCIS Chicago's denial of her I-601 waiver. The applicant had been found inadmissible for entering the US on someone else's passport under section 212(a)(6)(C)(i) of the INA; she was permitted to file a waiver of inadmissibility under section 212(i). The AAO denied the appeal, finding that the [...]

Massachusetts immigration on the rise…for now

By |October 5th, 2009|Immigration by State|

Although the number of  immigrant residents has been falling across the nation,  the Census Bureau reports that Massachusetts immigration is on the rise. Other states, such as California, Florida and Rhode Island  have seen no where near MA's 2.5% increase in the immigrant population.  It is estimated that 14% of the population in Massachusetts is [...]